Evergreen 6

A 6th grade program at:

Paradise Ridge Elementary School

Check out this amazing drone clip of our newly finished garden! Special thanks to drone pilots: Justin Cox and Kory Eldridge

Garden Bed 360 Vid.mp4

2023-24 Students and Families:

Please sign up for the free message service "Remind."  You can opt out any time. Thanks!

If you already have Remind, our code is: e62023-24 

A similar t-shirt screenprint system to what we received from Ryonet and Blackline Manufacturing in Chico!

e6 Webpage Slideshow
Oragami Box Instructions
Back to School Night Holman2022

Student - Led Conference sign-ups for Mr. Holman's afternoon class: www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C44A9AF2AA13-45341066-6thgrade#/